Oregon Apostille

The Beaver State

Issuing Authority

Secretary of State

(click to see the map and info)


  1. Bullet Salem


  1. Bullet $10 per document

Payments can be maid by:

  1. -check

  2. -money order

  3. -credit card (VISA/MasterCard)

  4. -cash (over the counter only)

Checks or money orders must be made payable to
the State of Oregon

Turnaround time

  1. Bullet2-3 business days
    for mail orders

  2. Bulletover the counter
    for walk-in requests


Sample images: 1 - Oregon Apostille

Acceptable document certifiers:

  1. Bullet Oregon notaries public

  2. Bullet State Registrar for Vital Records (Oregon Center for Health Statistics)

All information on this page is derived from official sources.

Last update: 8/22/2009

  1. BulletWhen you need a vital record (birth/death certificate, marriage or dissolution of marriage certificate, etc.) apostilled, you should first get a certified copy of the record from the Oregon Center for Health Statistics

  2. BulletA certified copy of a county record is NOT appropriate.

  3. BulletOnly the Oregon Center for Health Statistics can issue a true, current vital record.

  1. Bullet  Most county records cannot be authenticated.

  1. BulletWhen you need an Oregon high school or college transcript or diploma apostilled, you must have the person in charge of the records (normally the Registrar) certify to the record in the presence of the notary, who then notarizes that statement.

  2. BulletRequired elements:

  3. BulletStatement by school official (principal/registrar) as to the authenticity and type of document being notarized.

  4. BulletSignature of the school official. DOCUMENT MUST BE SIGNED IN THE NOTARY'S PRESENCE!

  5. BulletStatement by the notary indicating who signed the document and the date the document was signed.

  6. BulletSignature line for the notary. Clear and legible imprint of the notary seal/stamp with the notary's name, commission number and expiration date on it.

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